01 Current Loop in Magnetic Field

01 Current Loop in Magnetic Field#


To show torques and forces on a current loop in a magnetic field.


  • 5H50 (Torques on Coils)



Fig. 516 .#


  • Two Neodymium magnets fixed in clamps.

  • Coil \(\left(n=500 ; I_{\max }=2.5 \mathrm{~A}\right)\) with a piece of red tape at one side. The coil is suspended by thin thread, so it can rotate easily (see Diagram).

  • Power supply, \(30\mathrm{~V}/10\mathrm{~A}\).

  • Switch and Two-way switch.

  • Array of compass-needles.

  • Paperclip (to show the presence of a magnetic field).

  • Camera and screen to show the demo to a large audience.


  • The Neodymium magnets are very strong. If these magnets are not handled carefully, there is risk of serious injury. The magnets are fixed in clamps and stored with a thick piece of sheet between them.

-Carefully slide them apart when you use them, to prevent your fingers becoming trapped between them.

-Keep them several meters away from magnetic information carriers.

-Never operate the magnets in explosive environments, since they generate sparks!


Using the array of compass needles we show that there is a uniform magnetic field between the permanent magnets (see Figure 517).


Fig. 517 .#

Close to the magnets the field is strongly divergent/convergent (see Figure 518).


Fig. 518 .#

Then the coil is suspended between the two magnets (see Diagram). Connecting the power supply to the coil shows that the coil makes a rotation and lines up with the magnetic field (see Figure 519). There it remains at rest.

Conclusion is that in a homogeneous magnetic field a current carrying coil (a dipole) experiences a torque that lines up that dipole with the field. And in that uniform field there is no net force.


Fig. 519 .#

Then the coil is displaced a little from its central position: It attracts itself towards one of the magnets and sticks there (see Figure 520).


Fig. 520 .#

Conclusion is that in a non-uniform field there is a net force on a current loop (dipole).


There are Lorentz-forces on all sides of the coil. The forces on the bottom- and topside of the coil cancel (they only tend to stretch the coil). The two forces on the sides are also equal and opposite but they do generate a torque \(\vec{N} . \vec{N}=\vec{m} \times \vec{B}\) ( \(\vec{B}\) is the magnetic field and \(\vec{A}, \vec{A}\) being the area of the current loop).

When the field is non-uniform, there is a radial component of \(\mathrm{B}\) and there will be a net force towards the magnet (see Figure 521).


Fig. 521 .#


  • The lining up of a current loop in a uniform field is an example of what dipoles do in a material. So it can be used as an example to present para-magnetism.


  • Griffiths, D.J., Introduction to Electrodynamics pag.255-258.